JLGC German Financial Co-operation with
the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Credit guarantees for private sector employment (Accompanying Measures)
Consulting Services for Project Implementation
Official Page for Information for this Procurement DOWNLOADS
For clarifications of inquiries please scroll down this page !
Date of most recent update of this page:  Feb 7th, 2024 Procurement The Jordan Loan Guarantee Corporation (JLGC) as the Employer had invited consultants to submit Expressions of Interest (EOI) in this Pre-Qualification to demonstrate their general qualification for the consulting services (hereinafter called “Services”) in this procurement.

Announcement of Shortlist for Tender Stage
Having evaluated all the applications in this pre-qualification, a shortlist for the tender stage consisting of the applicants with submissions considered to be responsive (achieving 70 points or more) has been established. This shortlist consists of:
  1. Consortium of Business & Finance Consulting GmbH (BFC/CH), AdVision Finance (NL) and Bayan Advisors (Jordan)
  2. Frankfurt School of Finance & Management gGmbH (D),
  3. Consortium of Internationale Projekt Consult GmbH (IPC/D) and A2F Consulting LLC (US).
Accordingly, these applicants will receive a corresponding invitation for the tender stage by email.
Non-successful applicants will be informed individually by email.
Deadline for receipt - expired December 21st, 2023 at 15:00 h CET (local time Frankfurt/Germany)  and 17:00 h Amman time
Please take note of inquiry #12 and the corresponding clarification
Project Measures and requested Consultant Services REGISTRATION REQUIRED

Registration of interested Consultants is required, preferably at your earliest convenience, but not later than December 12th 2023 (24:00h Frankfurt time).
Without the timely registration, applicants will not be able to submit their  application to the electronic procurement platform.

If you have sent your registration form, but did not receive a confirmation of your registration by email, please contact us by email again (ijebreen@jlgc.com; Dr.Lindlein@financial-cooperation.com) as soon as possible. 
Project Name Credit Guarantees for Private Sector Employment (Accompanying Measures)
Tenderer/ Employer Jordan Loan Guarantee Corporation (JLGC)
Tender No. KfW-Tender No. 510048
BMZ No 2022.67.250 and 2022.70.338
Type of Tender /Stage: (1st-stage) Pre-Qualification of a two-stage open international tender
Eligible Applicants Financially capable (minimum annual average turnover EUR 2Mio. in consulting services and other criteria) Financial Sector Consultants with comprehensive relevant experience in similar projects and qualified professional experts.
Project Measures and requested Consultant Services Comprehensive Technical Assistance for JLGC in the program implementation,
Targeted training for banks,
Targeted training for SMEs
Tender Guidelines The Tender Process is subject to KfW’s „Guidelines for the Procurement of Consulting Services, Works, Plant, Goods and Non-Consulting Services in Financial Cooperation with Partner Countries“ Download Guidelines
Documents for Download Procurement Pre-Qualification Document Download
Background Tentative Terms of Reference Download

At any time, JLGC either at its own initiative or in response to clarifications requested by an interested consultant may clarify this invitation.
Inquiries from interested consultants concerning this tendering will be accepted only till December 12th, 2023, 15:00 CET.
Updates and clarifications will ONLY be presented on this website and will be made available to all interested consultants by this mean. For any clarifications and updates please consult this website regularly.
Contact for Inquiries All communication on this project – with the exception of the submission of the expression of interests - shall be through the the following email address:
with copy to
Clarifications Scroll down further on this page

No Reference Topics Inquiry Clarification Posted
1 General Eligibility of participation of Consultant of  Feasibility Study for this TA procurement Could you please advise if the Consultant who conducted the feasibility study is eligible to apply for this TA? The Consultant who elaborated the Feasibility is not eligible to apply for this TA procurement. Dec 4th, 2023
2 RfP – Special Provisions 4.2.2 Scoring of Applicant’s Experience Could you kindly clarify how points on project references are distributed for 4.2.2: "1. Applicant’s Experience"? As stated, the number of project references itself - as long as the minimum of 6 project refences is fulfilled - is not a scoring factor, but their relevance, significance, volume, and coverage regarding the services are crucial. There is no numerically fixed formula of the weights of each these factors a specific project reference for the essential overall criterion of experience in the four mentioned fields (Guarantees, tools, ESIA, SME), but each reference will be assessed on its relevance for and similarity with the task under procurement. Dec 4th, 2023
3 RfP – Special Provisions 4.2.2 Scoring of Applicant’s Experience Particularly, is there any limit to how much one project can score under 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 (under 4.2.2 section 1)? In general, quality of references is more important than quantity.
But a single good reference will not be enough to get the full score for a specific sub-criterion listed.
As a rule of thumb, three solid references would be required for a full score in each sub-criterion.

Please take note, that a particular project reference can score with several sub-criteria.
Dec 4th, 2023
4 RfP
2.1, page 18
Advanced emerging financial systems In this context:
How are you categorizing the financial sector of Jordan at the moment?
 In general, the robust and diversified commercial banking sector of Jordan can be considered as a key of a rather advanced emerging financial system in the country, extending domestic credit to the private sector at a magnitude of more than 80% of GDP, albeit within a country with “lower middle income“(World Bank) and with limited volumes and imperfections in the allocation of loans to SMEs (and the creation of jobs), hence the need for the future project.

Accordingly; we are looking for a transfer of knowledge and experience in the promotion of SME financing by loan guarantees, preferably from countries with comparable or more advanced levels of their banking sector loan extension to the private sector, especially for SMEs.
Dec 4th, 2023
5 RfP
2.1, page 18
Advanced emerging financial systems Qualification criteria: "consulting services in the fields of guarantees to SME (preferably in developed and/or advanced emerging financial systems/institutions)".
What is the definition of advanced emerging financial systems, and could you please give us an example?
As the clarification to inquiry No.4 already indicates, the perspective of JLGC and the objectives of the financial cooperation program and the potential for a transfer of knowledge and experience determine “advanced” in this context.

Accordingly - and despite the fact that all indicator can only be proxys - of special interest to JLGC are references from countries with a
-    strong allocation of commercial bank credits to the private sector (roughly >70%),
-    including a solid ratio of SME loans to total private sector loans (minimum 15%)
-    a reasonable level of NPLs (roughly <5%, at least on average over time).

But the definition said “preferably”, and naturally does not exclude references from other countries with not so advanced financial systems, as they may provide very valuable elements for the future services, which can be explained BRIEFLY for the respective reference case by the applicants in the form 5.   
Dec 4th, 2023
6 RfP Special Provisions, Section 4.2.2, Applicant's Capabilities Applicants are to provide a listing of available expertise in the specified categories.
Is there a maximum / minimum number of experts KfW and JLGC expect the applicant to provide for each category?
Naturally, the minimum number for each position is one expert.

However, in view of the future expert team structure, and for the sake of the demonstration of availability, we suggest to indicate two experts per position, and not to exceed the number of three experts per position in this list. 
Dec 4th, 2023


2.2.1(d) Project References”
Ongoing References Based on point “would ongoing references qualify for the submission? Ongoing references would be acknowledged if services have been rendered for at least half of the contracted duration or – in the case of longer projects – for a minimum of one year. Dec 6th, 2023
8 PQ-Document -Special Provisions- 1.4.2 Participation of expert in various applications Can one expert can be listed with more than one company for the same tender? In this regard we would like to draw your attention to 1.4.2 in the Prequalification Document, Section II, Special Provisions:
“In this pre-qualification, experts and sub-consultants in the field of financial
guarantees may participate in various applications.
However, in the later bidding stage, such sub-consultants and/or key-experts can only participate in one bid.”

For the later stage - the tender stage -  please refer to the Guidelines 2.5.3):
“Key Experts in Proposals for Consulting Services shall not participate in more than one Proposal ……
 In the case the same Key Expert appears in more than one Proposal, all Proposals concerned shall be rejected unless a bidder can demonstrate to have obtained the exclusive right of the respective Key Expert to include its curricula vitae in the proposal before the submission deadline has passed.”
Dec 6th, 2023
9 Tentative TOR Team Matrix How many experts you foresee based on sections 2.2 and 2.3 from the screenshot below. Would it also be between 1-3 experts as published on a different clarification on your website? As stated in the Letter of Invitation, under point 5.,
“at this stage, the Tentative Terms of Reference (TOR) are still a working document with preliminary character. As a background document, they shall enable the interested consultants to get a general
understanding of the services requested. Due to this character, the participants of this pre-qualification shall refrain from inquiries regarding these Tentative TOR at this stage.”

Having this said, at present we consider   the number of experts for the respective positions depends on their coverage of topics. Thus, the minimum of experts per position is 1, but bidders may cover the respective tasks as well with more experts.  
Dec 6th, 2023
10 PQ-Document2.2.1(d) Project References: Age of references As references must not be older than 10 years, does this refer to start or the end date of the project? This refers to the end date of the project. Dec 6th, 2023
11 Project References: Evaluation Does the project value play a role / is there a minimum value to qualify? In general, the evaluation of references refers to “Experience in implementing similar projects”.
Naturally, in a project of the magnitude as the one in this procurement, the project value of the reference, especially the proportion carried out by the applicant, plays some role when it comes to similarity of the experiences.

On the other side, this project has so many facets and tasks, that even smaller references with particular profiles may be of relevance for certain aspects of the future project. This will be taken into consideration as well during the evaluation.

But very small references, those with a project value carried out by the applicant of less than EUR 20,000, may be considered as non-substantial cases
Dec 6th, 2023
12 PQ-Document
Deadline for submission Would it be possible to extend the deadline by one week? We are aware that at this time of year the workload at consulting companies may be rather high already, and that the submission of an application for such complex services at the indicated time may be challenging.
However, the timelines for this procurement and the future services do not allow to extend the deadline for this pre-quallification.

Thus, the deadline for the receipt of the electronic submissions of applications remains
December 21st, 2023 - 15:00h local time Frankfurt (Germany) - 17:00h local time Amman (Jordan)
Dec 7th, 2023
13 Section II, Part 3 ; Section II Special Provisions Submission of Applications Can JLGC please confirm that only electronic submissions will be accepted? We hereby confirm that only electronic submissions will be accepted, and to more precise, only those submitted to the dataroom mentioned under Section II, Part 3.
In the coming days the dataroom provider exficon GmbH, Frankfurt am Main, will revert to the persons authorized for electronic submission with an invitation email containing the access link to the system.
Dec 14th, 2023
14 Section II, 2 Contents and Preparation Can JLGC please confirm that the Applicant’s organizational chart should only be included with Form 6 - List of Available Expertise and Human Resource Capacity? Naturally, you can include an Organizational Chart in the presentation of the Applicant as well.

However, the organizational chart(s) of the firm or the relevant parts of the firm attached to Form 6 item 2 shall facilitate particularly the understanding of the organizational aspects of the statistical chart on Human Resource capacity.
Dec 14th, 2023
15 Article 8.3 of the TOR Evaluation of Team Members Can JLGC clarify how the team members will be evaluated, who will evaluate them, and what criteria will be used and the period of performance they will be evaluated for? The Tentative TOR attached are an outlook on the future Tender Stage, not of direct relevance for the present pre-qualification.
 As stated in the Letter of Invitation, under point 5., “at this stage, the Tentative Terms of Reference (TOR) are still a working document with preliminary character. As a background document, they shall enable the interested consultants to get a general understanding of the services requested. Due to this character, the participants of this pre-qualification shall refrain from inquiries regarding these Tentative TOR at this stage.”

 Having this said, at this time we can only state that in the coming Tender Stage, pre-qualified consultants will receive a Request for Proposals explaining in detail all topics of the inquiry.
.In the meantime, we can inform you only in general that
-         the responsibility for the evaluation is similar to the one in the pre-qualification (Pre-Qualification document, Section II under 1.2.1.
-         team members will be assessed based on their qualification and suitability for the tasks, to be demonstrated among others by the relevant work experience incl. key project references.
Dec 14th, 2023